Keeping each other healthy and safe, learn about COVID-19

User App

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Provider App

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Less Stress

Providers must have current licensure and pass a rigorous background check

Lower Cost

Providers are independent contractors with little-to-no administrative cost

More Control

You and your family decide the care, the provider, and the schedule

Services Available:

Easy to use in app service selection screen for Vencer Health app.

Companion Care

Non-medical services such as emotional support and socialization (i.e. having a conversation with active listening, playing cards, reading)

Personal Hygiene

Oral hygiene, grooming, and dressing

Bath and Shower

Help with showers and baths with shower chairs and/or bathing beds. Vencer Health providers do not bring shower chairs and/or bathing beds to appointments. We recommend you book a minimum of 2 hours.

In-Home Mobility

Transferring (i.e. bed to wheelchair, wheelchair to toilet), repositioning, walking, and using assistive equipment (wheelchairs, walkers, canes, etc.)

Bathroom Use

Perineal care after toileting, including cleaning after episodes of incontinence, using a bedpan, and with indwelling urinary catheters

Light Housekeeping

Keeping living areas clean, safe, and well-organized including the changing of bed linens, dusting, wiping surfaces and vacuuming

"Uber of home healthcare?
New app connects people with licensed caregivers in Honolulu"

Vencer Health Technologies' app connects people with service providers who've been vetted.
By Annalisa Burgos

KITV4 Hawaii Logo - article on Vencer Health


Jeff is a founding member at Vencer and holds another job to pay the bills. His dad, (insert name), is currently dealing with (insert health issue). Jeff is the primary caregiver in the family but doesn't have enough time to care for his dad and work for himself. This is the main reason why Jeff chose to help start Vencer. He believed in the possibility of finding the right care at the right time.